A downloadable game for Windows

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We're fundraising on Kickstarter!  Check out the campaign for exclusive perks like getting your cat in the game and more:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spiregg/find-us-cats

Find Us Cats is a new hidden object game starring our favorite feline companions! Find dozens of cats in each level and aim for a high score in Level 1 of our free demo, the Planetarium. In addition to serving as a hidden object game, you can choose to paint, draw, or color in the levels and create your own art based on ours. 

Level 1: Planetarium
* Explore the universe and the building too if you have time!
* There are 25+ cats hidden within level 1
* Rare undocumented cats may be lurking throughout the demo, but only for those brave enough to scour the environment carefully

We plan to expand the game further based on the feedback gathered from the demo and Kickstarter, so please share your opinion on the forums/comments.  


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

WindowsFindUsCatsDemoItchV0.014.zip 178 MB

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